Question: Do you think Molly would have become a motivational speaker if she had not been bullied?

I think Molly would not have become a motivational speaker because her life would have been normal. She never would have thought to take action because there would be nothing to take action about. She would have been hanging out with friends and enjoying life. Most motivational speakers have a reason to be speaking to others they don't just go up there for the heck of it.
Ms. Findlay
5/6/2013 11:47:45 am

I disagree, I think that some people do speak out for a cause even if they do not have a personal story or reason that linked them to the cause. There are some individuals out there that want to make a difference and see the world as a better place so they speak up. Molly may not have been spoken up against bullying becuase she had no reason too but it does not mean that all people have to have a reason to speak out. Take Ryan's well for example, he saw that there was no clean water in Uganda so he decided to raise money to build a well. Does this mean he had no clean water for himself before he had to speak up and notice that a change needed to be made? What do you think now?Do you still believe that you have to experience something before you will step up and take action or make a difference? Can't wait to hear your thoughts.


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